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Munin - cpu per core

10.413 Byte hinzugefügt, 08:15, 21. Sep. 2014
/* Problembehebung */
== Code ==

<pre>#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- cperl -*-
use JSON;

=head1 NAME

cpu_per_core - plugin to monitor CPU usage for each CPU core


=head1 NOTES

=head1 AUTHOR

Matija Grabnar

=head1 LICENSE



#%# family=system
#%# capabilities=autoconf


use strict;
use Munin::Plugin;

my $cache = "/tmp/cpu_per_core.json";

my( $cpu,
my @cpu;

sub print_values {
my ($json,$str);
if (open(CACHE,"<","$cache")) {
my $str=<CACHE>;
eval {
$json = decode_json($str);
print "multigraph cpu_per_core\n";
open(INP,"<","/proc/stat") || die "Can not open /proc/stat/: $!\n";
while (<INP>) {
next unless /^cpu(\d+)\s+(\d+)(\s+\d+)?(\s+\d+)?(\s+\d+)?(\s+\d+)?(\s+\d+)?(\s+\d+)?(\s+\d+)?(\s+\d+)?(\s+\d+)?\s+/;
$cpu = $1;
$user = $2;
$nice = $3 || 0;
$system = $4 || 0;
$idle = $5 || 0;
$iowait = $6 || 0;
$irq = $7 || 0;
$softirq = $8 || 0;
$steal = $9 || 0;
$guest = $10 || 0;
$guest_nice = $11 || 0;
cpu => $1,
user => $2,
nice => $3 || 0,
system => $4 || 0,
idle => $5 || 0,
iowait => $6 || 0,
irq => $7 || 0,
softirq => $8 || 0,
steal => $9 || 0,
guest => $10 || 0,
guest_nice => $11 || 0,
if (defined($json->[$cpu])) {
$user = $cpu[$cpu]->{user} - $json->[$cpu]->{user};
$nice = $cpu[$cpu]->{nice} - $json->[$cpu]->{nice};
$system = $cpu[$cpu]->{system} - $json->[$cpu]->{system};
$idle = $cpu[$cpu]->{idle} - $json->[$cpu]->{idle};
$iowait = $cpu[$cpu]->{iowait} - $json->[$cpu]->{iowait};
$irq = $cpu[$cpu]->{irq} - $json->[$cpu]->{irq};
$softirq = $cpu[$cpu]->{softirq} - $json->[$cpu]->{softirq};
$steal = $cpu[$cpu]->{steal} - $json->[$cpu]->{steal};
$guest = $cpu[$cpu]->{guest} - $json->[$cpu]->{guest};
$guest_nice = $cpu[$cpu]->{guest_nice} - $json->[$cpu]->{guest_nice};
} else {
$user = $cpu[$cpu]->{user};
$nice = $cpu[$cpu]->{nice};
$system = $cpu[$cpu]->{system};
$idle = $cpu[$cpu]->{idle};
$iowait = $cpu[$cpu]->{iowait};
$irq = $cpu[$cpu]->{irq};
$softirq = $cpu[$cpu]->{softirq};
$steal = $cpu[$cpu]->{steal};
$guest = $cpu[$cpu]->{guest};
$guest_nice = $cpu[$cpu]->{guest_nice};
my $usage = int(100-100*($idle/($user+$nice+$system+$idle+$iowait+
print sprintf "cpu%d_usage.value %d\n",$cpu,$usage;

foreach my $cpu (sort {$a->{cpu}<=>$b->{cpu}} @cpu) {
if (defined($json->[$cpu->{cpu}])) {
$user = $cpu->{user} - $json->[$cpu->{cpu}]->{user};
$nice = $cpu->{nice} - $json->[$cpu->{cpu}]->{nice};
$system = $cpu->{system} - $json->[$cpu->{cpu}]->{system};
$idle = $cpu->{idle} - $json->[$cpu->{cpu}]->{idle};
$iowait = $cpu->{iowait} - $json->[$cpu->{cpu}]->{iowait};
$irq = $cpu->{irq} - $json->[$cpu->{cpu}]->{irq};
$softirq = $cpu->{softirq} - $json->[$cpu->{cpu}]->{softirq};
$steal = $cpu->{steal} - $json->[$cpu->{cpu}]->{steal};
$guest = $cpu->{guest} - $json->[$cpu->{cpu}]->{guest};
$guest_nice = $cpu->{guest_nice} - $json->[$cpu->{cpu}]->{guest_nice};
} else {
$user = $cpu->{user};
$nice = $cpu->{nice};
$system = $cpu->{system};
$idle = $cpu->{idle};
$iowait = $cpu->{iowait};
$irq = $cpu->{irq};
$softirq = $cpu->{softirq};
$steal = $cpu->{steal};
$guest = $cpu->{guest};
$guest_nice = $cpu->{guest_nice};
my $total = $user + $nice + $system + $idle + $iowait + $irq +
$softirq + $steal + $guest + $guest_nice;

my $factor = 100/$total;

print sprintf "multigraph cpu_per_core.cpu%d\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_system.value %3.6f\n",$cpu->{cpu},$system * $factor;
print sprintf "cpu%d_user.value %3.6f\n",$cpu->{cpu},$user * $factor;
print sprintf "cpu%d_nice.value %3.6f\n",$cpu->{cpu},$nice * $factor;
print sprintf "cpu%d_idle.value %3.6f\n",$cpu->{cpu},$idle * $factor;
print sprintf "cpu%d_iowait.value %3.6f\n",$cpu->{cpu},$iowait * $factor;
print sprintf "cpu%d_irq.value %3.6f\n",$cpu->{cpu},$irq * $factor;
print sprintf "cpu%d_softirq.value %3.6f\n",$cpu->{cpu},$softirq * $factor;
print sprintf "cpu%d_steal.value %3.6f\n",$cpu->{cpu},$steal * $factor;
print sprintf "cpu%d_guest.value %3.6f\n",$cpu->{cpu},$guest * $factor;
print sprintf "cpu%d_guest_nice.value %3.6f\n",$cpu->{cpu},$guest_nice
* $factor;

$str = encode_json(\@cpu);
open(CACHE,">",$cache) ||
die "Can not write to cache file $cache : $!\n";
print CACHE $str;


$ARGV[0]='' unless defined($ARGV[0]);

if ( $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf" ) {
if (open(INP,"<","/proc/stat")) {
print "yes\n";
exit 0;
} else {
print "no\n";
exit 0;

if ( $ARGV[0] eq "config" ) {

# The headers
print "multigraph cpu_per_core\n";
print "graph_info Monitoring CPU per core\n";
print "graph_title CPU per Core usage\n";
print "graph_vlabel %\n";
print "graph_category system\n";
print "graph_scale no\n";
print "graph_args --upper-limit 100 --lower-limit 0 --rigid\n";
print "graph_vlabel %\n";

open(INP,"<","/proc/stat") || die "Can not open /proc/stat/: $!\n";
while (<INP>) {
next unless /^cpu(\d+)\s+(\d+)(\s+\d+)?(\s+\d+)?(\s+\d+)?(\s+\d+)?(\s+\d+)?(\s+\d+)?(\s+\d+)?(\s+\d+)?(\s+\d+)?\s+/;
$cpu = $1;
$user = $2;
$nice = $3 || 0;
$system = $4 || 0;
$idle = $5 || 0;
$iowait = $6 || 0;
$irq = $7 || 0;
$softirq = $8 || 0;
$steal = $9 || 0;
$guest = $10 || 0;
$guest_nice = $11 || 0;
cpu => $1,
user => $2,
nice => $3 || 0,
system => $4 || 0,
idle => $5 || 0,
iowait => $6 || 0,
irq => $7 || 0,
softirq => $8 || 0,
steal => $9 || 0,
guest => $10 || 0,
guest_nice => $11 || 0,
print "cpu${cpu}_usage.label CPU core $cpu - % busy\n";
print "cpu${cpu}_usage.type GAUGE\n";
print "cpu${cpu}_usage.max 100\n";
print "cpu${cpu}_usage.warning 0:85\n";
print "cpu${cpu}_usage.critical 0:90\n";

foreach my $cpu (sort {$a->{cpu}<=>$b->{cpu}} @cpu) {
print sprintf "multigraph cpu_per_core.cpu%d\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "graph_info CPU core %d\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "graph_title CPU core %d usage\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print "graph_scale no\n";
print "graph_args --upper-limit 100 --lower-limit 0 --rigid\n";
print "graph_vlabel %\n";
print "graph_category mandarina\n";

print sprintf "cpu%d_system.label system\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_system.draw AREA\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_system.type GAUGE\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_system.info CPU time spent in system state\n",$cpu->{cpu};

print sprintf "cpu%d_user.label user\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_user.draw STACK\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_user.type GAUGE\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_user.info CPU time spent in user state\n",$cpu->{cpu};

print sprintf "cpu%d_nice.label nice\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_nice.draw STACK\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_nice.type GAUGE\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_nice.info CPU time spent in nice state\n",$cpu->{cpu};

print sprintf "cpu%d_idle.label idle\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_idle.draw STACK\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_idle.type GAUGE\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_idle.info CPU time spent in idle state\n",$cpu->{cpu};

print sprintf "cpu%d_iowait.label iowait\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_iowait.draw STACK\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_iowait.type GAUGE\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_iowait.info CPU time spent in iowait state\n",$cpu->{cpu};

print sprintf "cpu%d_irq.label irq\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_irq.draw STACK\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_irq.type GAUGE\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_irq.info CPU time spent in irq state\n",$cpu->{cpu};

print sprintf "cpu%d_softirq.label softirq\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_softirq.draw STACK\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_softirq.type GAUGE\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_softirq.info CPU time spent in softirq state\n",$cpu->{cpu};

print sprintf "cpu%d_steal.label steal\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_steal.draw STACK\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_steal.type GAUGE\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_steal.info CPU time spent in steal state\n",$cpu->{cpu};

print sprintf "cpu%d_guest.label guest\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_guest.draw STACK\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_guest.type GAUGE\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_guest.info CPU time spent in guest state\n",$cpu->{cpu};

print sprintf "cpu%d_guest_nice.label guest_nice\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_guest_nice.draw STACK\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_guest_nice.type GAUGE\n",$cpu->{cpu};
print sprintf "cpu%d_guest_nice.info CPU time spent in guest_nice state\n",$cpu->{cpu};

exit 0;

Quelle: http://www.matija.si/system-administration/2014/04/01/a-munin-plugin-to-monitor-each-cpu-core-separately/

== Problembehebung ==

Falls beim Testen folgende Fehlermeldung erscheint, fehlt das Paket "libjson-perl:
<pre>/etc/munin/plugins # munin-run cpu_per_core
Can't locate JSON.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.14.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.14 /usr/share/perl/5.14 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /etc/munin/plugins/cpu_per_core line 3.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /etc/munin/plugins/cpu_per_core line 3.</pre>

Das Paket kann mit "apt-get install libjson-perl" installiert werden.
